As we are preparing for the end of the year it is bitter sweet. On one side we (teachers) are excited that the year is ending, with thoughts of spending time with family, vacation time, and spending time at the pool. On the other side, we are sad because we are losing contact with our CARSON FAMILY for a few months. Some teachers will stay busy conducting or attending workshops about how to become a better teacher.
As for students, they are excited about getting out and being able to do what they want, such as being able to play video games, watch movies, and sleeping in. Some students will continue their part time jobs or perhaps even get their first summer job.
A big step for some of our Carson students will be to get their driver’s license. Other students continue their athletic training through summer team practice, or other sports camps. Band camp and summer art camps for art or theatre students are out there too! Summer school is back this year to help some students get ready for school next year.
Then there is the administration that never gets to take the summer off. They are at the schools planning, getting items ready for the next school year, and other items we (teachers) don’t even want to think about- data. They have to find replacement for retirees and new positions, plan the budget, plan the calendar for the next year and plan the agenda for the first day. All this while taking care of other issues that arise.
As for the custodians, their job never stops. The summer brings on more tasks for them such as cleaning the floors, repairing items, and keeping everything in working order. It is always something coming up that worked yesterday that does not work today. They are never appreciated enough.
End of the school year is always a busy time of the year. Trying to close out one school year and getting ready for another one. The couple of months seem so long when we first get out and then before we know it the new year is in just a couple of weeks. It seems to me that once July 4 comes the summer is almost over.
I hope everyone has a wonderful summer break and gets everything on your to do list completed!
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