Gimme A "C"

The following blog was written by Mrs. Deanna Byrd, a Social Studies Teacher at Carson High School. Mrs. Byrd is the Student Council Advisor and consistently looks for ways to ensure Carson is putting "Students First!"

As we are falling into Autumn :), we are falling out of the honeymoon of back to school.  We are realizing that the routine some of us longed for is here and we are in it for the long haul.  Many of us have already dealt with students who have “rich” stories.  Stories that they share with us and their classmates.  At the beginning of the year I told myself that I was going to try to transition out of the honeymoon phase and into an even better phase…ULTIMATE CHEER!  I made a list of all the things that I would need to remember if I was going to pull this off.  I am going to share my list and hopefully you can phase with me:
  • Patience- For myself more than anyone. 
  • Structure- If I want my students to grow, I have to give them a place to do it.  I want my classes to be spontaneous, well oiled machines!
  • Knowledge- This word has many branches in my quest for ULTIMATE CHEER.  I need to be prepared for instruction daily but I also need to KNOW my students. 
  • Forgiveness- For my students, my colleagues, my family, my friends and myself.  I have to remind myself that perfection is not necessary for success…and it is not humanly obtainable :)
  • Empathy-In order for me to be in an ULTIMATE CHEER phase I have to be the ULTIMATE CHEERLEADER!  I do not know any other way to champion my students than to try and “get them”.  Don’t we all want people to “get us”?

The highest form of knowledge is empathy, it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world.
Bill Bullard

I can’t say that I have ULTIMATE CHEER all day, every day but at least once in my day, I do feel or think… YES, this phase is good!

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