Student of the Month - March 2016

Congratulations to Savanna Nail for being name the Jesse C. Carson High School Student of the Month for March 2016! Read what her teachers had to say about her below! Savanna will receive certificates from the school and some awesome prizes from the Carson High School PTA!
Savanna Nail: Student of the Month - March 2016
Nominating Teacher: Mrs. Behrooz and Mrs. Byrd

"Savanna is in Teen Leadership and she has really dedicated herself to being a positive influence and leader. She has stood up to her classmates about their behavior and she has been a constant affirmer to the group. I think she deserves some recognition and applause!" (Byrd)

"Savanna is an excellent example of what a Carson student should be. Savanna consistently has her assignments, asks questions, and seeks extra help if needed. I have really enjoyed having Savanna in my class and I see her as a bright spot in my day." (Behrooz)

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