JCHS Students of the Month (September, October, and November)

Congratulations to Landon Perkins, Eli Helms, and Shirley Trayah for being named the September, October, and November Students of the Month! Check out what their teachers had to say:

Eli Helms, Shirley Trayah, and Landon Perkins (left to right)
Landon Perkins - September
Nominated by Mrs. Wyatt

Landon is a polite, kind young man. He has excellent attendance and goes over and beyond to help others. He supports many athletic programs by attending games as much as possible. He is a great leader in the school spirit department. He truly deserves to recognized for his remarkable character.

Eli Helms - October
Nominated by Mr. Street and Mr. Riley

Eli is a Senior leader not only in VIsual Arts,but in the Band. Eli is very talented, and has showed his tenacity in completing the Mural "Students First." He is a highly gifted musician, a very quiet individual that students and teachers love and respect.

Outstanding student within the ARTS programs. Eli is a talented musician and artist that contributes a great deal in and around the school and band program. As a student leader, Eli is second to none. He is dedicated, outgoing, talented, hard working, and committed to excellence. Eli is a terrific role model within our school and band program. I highly recommend Eli for student of the month. Very well deserved.

Shirley Trayah - November
Nominated by Mrs. Reynolds

Shirley is a great representation of what I hope all students become: an example of integrity coupled with compassion and high expectations for our world. She is a motivated leader who puts the good of the group above her own gain; leading by example rather than by volume. Shirley is intrinsically motivated to learn more and to impact our school/community. She began the social equality group this year, challenges herself with AP courses, and is inclusive of all students regardless of age/"group."

Students of the Month are nominated by teachers each month and are selected by administration. Special thanks to our PTA for supporting our Student of the Month Program!

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