It hasn’t been easy. It’s true what you hear about the first year of teaching. I don’t give up. What is easy is not often what is right. That is the motto I live by and the reason I’m sticking to this. So if I have anything to share today, it’s don’t give up and don’t let anyone else determine your destiny. You may have noticed the alliteration at the end of my first paragraph (yes, I’m slipping some English into this). When I was a child, I went to speech therapy because I could not pronounce R. I failed the fifth grade state writing test. Thank goodness that everything is on a computer now days because spell check saves me on a sentence by sentence basis. Though I have never been diagnosed, I wonder whether I may have a slight form of dyslexia because I often mix up the middle letters of words when I am writing on the board. I just have my students correct me and we move on.
Just because you are not good at something does not mean that you cannot be good at it. Current limitations do not determine future possibilities.
So yeah, things go wrong. Students break things and throw them across the room. That lesson that you got up at three in the morning to prepare did not go so well. You get some bad test scores. All these things and more can be a little disappointing. We just can’t let it be discouraging. As my wise mission president said, “You can be disappointed, but don’t be discouraged. Never let anything take away your courage.”
As we go into this new semester, let us remember that not everything goes right, and that’s okay. Let us remember why we came into this. I am grateful for the support, the opportunity to grow, and the home that I have received here at Carson.
I am a teacher.
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