Who Is She and What Does She Do?

The following blog was written by Blaire Goodale, the Career Development Coordinator for Jesse C. Carson High School. 

Starting a new job at a new school had me feeling like a BT all over again – deer in the headlights. The good part of it is, that from day one, I felt like part of the family. Many of you have been so helpful and have shown me what it is to be a Cougar so naturally, I’m proud to call myself one. For that I want to say thank you; you truly are a school of spirit and generosity. 

So what do I do? My title is CDC; I’m the Career Development Coordinator for Carson and Southeast Middle. Some of my responsibilities are: coordinating CTE exams and WorkKeys, supporting CTE teachers, administering Career Interest Surveys to students, supervising CTE Interns, and much more.

There are 5 CDCs for RSSS, each placed at a high school and their feeder middle schools, with Salisbury and North being combined. We work closely together with each other as well as with the business community. Our main goal is to make sure we’re providing students opportunities to guide them towards a responsible career choice and preparing them for a successful future. I’m available to speak to classes about career choices as a whole or as it relates to your subject area. See me in Guidance if you need anything!

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